Sabtu, 24 September 2011

Agriculture in Sub Gedongkiwo
Agriculture in Sub Gedongkiwo quite advanced and is a viable potential developed separately. There are several farmers' associations and agricultural development groups, including agribusiness Clinic "Prima Tani" in Jl. Bantul miles 1 Mantrijeron. In RW 17 there KWT "Pelangi Indah" led by Mrs. Bardi. There are garden clubs farmer groups in RW 16, which is managed by a bullet Pidegsa. In the village there are also Gedong Kiwo fields contained in RT 82,81,83

Veterinary and Agriculture Office of UPT, UPT Ornamental Fish and Agro Exchange Yogyakarta is located at Jl. Bantul km 1, Gedongkiwo, Mantrijeron, tel (0274) 413 474. Is a provincial land grant (1951) by K. R. T. Tani Prodjo then follow-up (1959) by K. R. T. Yudaningrat. There are 6 employees. This Unit activity is buying and selling ornamental plants and extension of existing agro field either plants or animals.
Agriculture in Sub Gedongkiwo quite advanced and is a viable potential developed separately. There are several farmers' associations and agricultural development groups, including agribusiness Clinic "Prima Tani" in Jl. Bantul miles 1 Mantrijeron. In RW 17 there KWT "Pelangi Indah" led by Mrs. Bardi. There are garden clubs farmer groups in RW 16, which is managed by a bullet Pidegsa. In the village there are also Gedong Kiwo fields contained in RT 82,81,83

Veterinary and Agriculture Office of UPT, UPT Ornamental Fish and Agro Exchange Yogyakarta is located at Jl. Bantul km 1, Gedongkiwo, Mantrijeron, tel (0274) 413 474. Is a provincial land grant (1951) by K. R. T. Tani Prodjo then follow-up (1959) by K. R. T. Yudaningrat. There are 6 employees. This Unit activity is buying and selling ornamental plants and extension of existing agro field either plants or animals.
Agriculture in Sub Gedongkiwo quite advanced and is a viable potential developed separately. There are several farmers' associations and agricultural development groups, including agribusiness Clinic "Prima Tani" in Jl. Bantul miles 1 Mantrijeron. In RW 17 there KWT "Pelangi Indah" led by Mrs. Bardi. There are garden clubs farmer groups in RW 16, which is managed by a bullet Pidegsa. In the village there are also Gedong Kiwo fields contained in RT 82,81,83

Veterinary and Agriculture Office of UPT, UPT Ornamental Fish and Agro Exchange Yogyakarta is located at Jl. Bantul km 1, Gedongkiwo, Mantrijeron, tel (0274) 413 474. Is a provincial land grant (1951) by K. R. T. Tani Prodjo then follow-up (1959) by K. R. T. Yudaningrat. There are 6 employees. This Unit activity is buying and selling ornamental plants and extension of existing agro field either plants or animals.

Small industry that developed in the Village Gedongkiwo

1. Small Industry

Small industry that developed in the Village Gedongkiwo is a business services and carpentry. Some of them are Meubel "Self-Reliance Makmur" in Jl. Bantul no. 115 run by Ketut Losia, Wood Building Materials "U. D. Pendawa "Jl. Bantul no. 104 A. In the RW 14 and 15 there is a production of tofu and tempeh developing quite well. In the RW 15 and 16 there is craft dried flowers. In RW 15 there is also pottery. HANA Industrial convection Print screen printing, banners, banners, MJ hamlet benderamdan kaosAlamat I / 16 933 C Yogyakarta

Crafts Tofu and Tempeh in RW 14 and 15. Craft know in the area Gedong Kiwo usually only for small industries. This proved merka still make out the traditional way. The picture is the industry know Sumarmo in the region owned by Mr. RW 14.

Appliance industry educational games (ABC) for early childhood, which led Mrs. Rita is located on the road Gedongkiwo MJ I / 676 Yogyakarta (0274) 376 880. Mom rita employs 8 employees and get raw materials from around the region gedongkiwo.

Industri kecil yang berkembang di Kelurahan Gedongkiwo

1.      Bidang Industri Kecil

Industri kecil yang berkembang di Kelurahan Gedongkiwo adalah berupa usaha jasa dan pertukangan. Beberapa di antaranya adalah Meubel ”Berdikari Makmur” di Jl. Bantul no. 115 yang dikelola oleh Ketut Losia, Material Kayu Bangunan “U. D. Pendawa” Jl. Bantul no. 104 A. Di RW 14 dan 15 terdapat produksi tahu dan tempe yang berkembang cukup baik. Di RW 15 dan 16 terdapat kerajinan bunga kering. Di RW 15 terdapat juga kerajinan gerabah. Industri konveksi HANA Cetak sablon,spanduk,umbul-umbul,benderamdan kaosAlamat dukuh MJ I /16933 C Yogyakarta
Kerajinan Tahu dan Tempe di RW 14 dan 15. Kerajinan tahu di wilayah Gedong kiwo biasanya hanya untuk industri kecil saja. Hal ini terbukti merka masih membuat tahu dengan cara tradisional. Gambar disamping adalah industri tahu milik Bapak Sumarmo di wilayah RW 14. 
Industri alat permainan edukatif (ABC) untuk anak usia dini  yang dipimpin Ibu Rita yang terletak di jalan Gedongkiwo MJ I / 676 Yogyakarta (0274)376880. Ibu rita mempekerjakan 8 karyawan dan mendapatkan bahan baku dari sekitar wilayah gedongkiwo.

sarana penerangan dan media massa umum yang terdapat di Kelurahan Gedongkiwo

Beberapa sarana penerangan dan media massa umum yang terdapat di Kelurahan Gedongkiwo adalah perpustakaan dan koran dinding. Beberapa perpustakaan yang ada ialah perpustakaan ”Positif” di RW 13 yang dikelola oleh Bapak Dayat, perpustakaan lansia, dan perpustakaan di RW 11 yang dikelola oleh Windarmoko Bromo
Perpustakaan Positif Pimpinan Bapak Dayat yang berada di wilayah RW13
Kantor Pos Unit Mantrijeron
Jalan Prapanca no 5.
Kelurahan mantrijeron
-          Surat-menyurat
-          Giro
-          Wesel
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