PANCASILA (The Five Principle)
Indonesia consists of more than 300 ethnic groups. They speak more than 500 regional languages. Each group has its specific culture, which is related to the birth, traditional dance, sacred ceremony, traditional house, etc. But though there re so many tribes with different cultures and regional languages, they are united in one nation and have motherland (Tanah air Indonesia), and one national language that is Indonesia languages (Bahasa Indonesia)। They also united because they have only one way of life that is Pancasila (panca=5, sila=principle):
1. Belief in the one and only God
2. Just and civilized humanity
3. The unity of Indonesia
4. Democracy led by wise guidance through consultation/ representation (representative democracy)
5. Social justice for the whole Indonesian people
”Sang Saka Merah Putih is the name of the Indonesian flag (Merah=red , putih=White). So, the colors of the flag are red and white. Jakarta is the capital city of the Republic of Indonesia