Theme :
" Ponorogo in your Eyes"
Something Special from Indonesia
(By: Muzdakir Muhlisin, Student of Philosophy Faculty, Gadjah Mada University )
Keyword: reog, ponorogo, dan grebeg suro
From the title above we can know that Material Object of this article is "REOG PONOROGO". While, its formal Object or viewpoint is "LOCAL WISDOM". For me, Reog Ponorogo is not only showing tradition but also cultural artistry which full of high values from Indonesian nation to involve their life fully. Meaning Attendance of Reog not only at beauty and specification from its appearance side which it is true promise pride, but also local wise or cultural values which is its visualization look in dance fragment symbol which is presented in appearance of reog group namely warok dance, jathil Dance, Bujangganong, Klana Dance, and Dadak Merak Mask. Through the staging of reog, high values which will be submitted for every generation in fighting for nation prestige.
Local Wisdom is sign which is show of our different identity with other tribe। In perspectively local Wisdom can known that by epistemology, Nusantara is not regional of Malaysia , Singapore , Thailand and other nations. Term "Nusantara" symbolizing specification which differentiating Indonesian culture with other culture even with clump nations. For example: Malaysia . Though politically in same history but differentiating Indonesia with other nations is its Local Wisdom. Local Wisdom, "I am I" in its bearing with Epistemology (Knowledge), Metaphysics (Meaning of reog Symbols) and Axiology (high values which is background of Reog). This Local wisdom is differentiating between our cultures with others.
Some times ago, Reog Ponorogo became discussion object because claimed as cultural of Malaysia . In fact this controversy can be finished with analyzing cultural history of reog and its values. Malaysia might possibly play the reog dance as same as with done by Ponorogo peoples but I believe that Malaysia can not show its values which is artistic background which answer why reog created. It is because this culture typically Indonesia where the culture created according to values believed by local society namely Ponorogo society which is not there are in others area. If Malaysia equivocate that Reog (which is over there named Barongan) represent Java tribe heritage whom were migration to “jiran (neighbour)” country hence the Barongan may not claimed by Malaysia and proprietary rights of Reog for Java tribe whom were migration have been erased by itself because they were officially go out or move nationality from country where that Reog born and expand (in Ponorogo, East Java, Indonesia Country).![](
Proprietary rights of Javanese Immigrant in Malaysia erased because Indonesian Culture (Reog Ponorogo was included in it) is culture result of original masterpiece of Indonesian Human Being. Human beings of Indonesia consist of their soul and body. Resident of Indonesia from Sabang until Merauke confessed formally, having typical tradition of Indonesia , having Indonesian human being character which is mirror in created cultures by them. For example this Reog and included in its cultures is Indonesian belleslettres.
Nevertheless, what I intend be erased here is not meaning that all Javanese Immigrant in Malaysia may not play artistry of Reog. They remain to be enabled because however their blood is Javanese blood, until their death they are still Javanese. However, they only enabled to play this artistry as " Cultural Heir" by personal non " Cultural Heir" in new territorial or State so that may not be commercial and patented in new State of place where they remain in this time. If they want to commercial this Reog, they must get permit and give royalty to country where this Reog was born or created, in this case is Indonesia because Ponorogo by territorial reside in Indonesia region.
If matter that way does not be done by Javanese immigrant in Malaysia , it will make multidimensional crisis and disintegration of states and nations will worse. For these reason, Indonesia and other Nations in this world also can claiming cultural of others (Malaysia culture for example) with same reason that there is Immigrant of Malaysia who live in Indonesia as cultural heir from their old country. If that is happen, what is utility of COPYRIGHTS? Reog was created by Ponorogo society and created in Ponorogo , Indonesia . So, this Cultural must have property of Ponorogo, property of Indonesia . If you want to be formal heir of Reog Ponorogo, you must change your nationality to become INDONESIA resident।
Epistemology and Axiology of local wise of reog include history and knowledge of formed of this culture and also typical high values which differentiate with other nation. Reog Ponorogo is of course has values which come from Indonesian nation value differentiate with Malaysia . To dig values which is represent in the theatre of Reog Ponorogo, how a goodness it is if us know its history such as those which I borrow ideas from Wikipedia Indonesian, free encyclopedia following:
Basically there are five popular story version which expand in society about Reog and Warok history, but one of the most famous story is story about rebellion of Ki Ageng Kutu, a serve empire at a period of Bra Kertabumi, top kick last King of Majapahit at 15th century। Ki Ageng Kutu Irate because king friend from Chinese has strong influence in governance and king was corrupt, he even also see that Monarchic power of Majapahit will end। He then leave the king and found teacher where he teach young children art of self-defence, science of impenetrability by them self, and perfection science on the chance of that is young children will become seed from evocation again empire of Majapahit later. Conciousness that its undersize team to fight against monarchic team hence political message of Ki Ageng Kutu submitted through show of Reog, representing " insinuation" to King Bra Kertabumi and his empire. Performance of Reog was become way of Ki Ageng Kutu to develop local society resistance use popularly of Reog.
In the theatre of Reog presented mask in form of lion head known as " Singa Barong", forest king, be symbol of Kertabumi, and on the top stuck peacock plume till look like giant fan which is symbol of strong influence of king friend from China arranging the from the top of all his gesture. Jatilan, played by gemblak dancer group riding rocking horse become symbol strength of Monarchic team of Majapahit becoming contrast comparison with strength of warok, residing in at the opposite of red clown mask which become symbol for the Ki of Ageng Kutu, alone and sustain tired singabarong mask weight more than 50kg only by using his tooth.
Story about rebellion of Ki Ageng Kutu above according to me symbolize good personality of human being, who always use their conscience to be always do a kindness and prohibit unrighteous deed. Its represented of political message of Ki Ageng Kutu to corrupt king behavior. He also teach young children with art of self-defence, science impenetrability of their self, and perfection science on the chance of that is young children will become seed from evocation again empire of Majapahit later. We cannot deny that in this time happened any corruption action. Therefore, according to the high values are very useful to develop again Indonesia to be more prestigious, born and mind, and also more respectable in arranging global association.
From a little breakdown of above presumably clear, that Reog is true non fundamental determinant of goodness or not of our nation, considering many much more having an effect on matter in this case. But, an undeniable fact also, that this Reog will giving many influence to the future of nation because high values in it can become contemplative materials to society to get back their life meanings[of either through existential and also by transidental.
Today, we still hear expression that our nation is big nation, with environments and also very rich cultural nature, but we seldom find one who could earn to explain is like what cultural properties which we have. ( Damardjati Supadjar, 2001 -)
Statement from citation above is not statement which without there is evidence. Many culture of our nation which we do not recognize. We newly sense of belonging after the culture confessed as other nation masterpiece. It is like case recently, we bubble up our emotion after traditional song, Batik, and our Reog was confessed by malaysia . Though our own do not want to study and involve culture heritage which we have thely. I wish that case above doesn't be recurred at our other cultures.
From descriptions which I have explain thely, I earn to conclude that Reog Ponorogo have to fixed take care by us, preserve and involve of meaning which consist in it. With carrying out of about is important of taft generation and have good moral, Reog should not leaved off hand just caused it is not modern. Require to be affirmed also that all that is not ancient is bad conversely all that is not modern is goodness. Need the existence of new point of view in cultural acculturation specially. Culture which is good to be defended and culture menacing sovereignty of nation have to be left. Thereby Indonesian nation will be able to vie with other nation. Indonesian nation will remain to be modern nation but remain to be cultured and religion.
Reog, is often related to mistical world and strength of supranatural. But we may not look into one side and said that reog is only primitive culture. Before analyzing the statement, How a good it is if we read beforehand citation following:
It is not fair if we only laying open dismal things in looking the world. And opportunity remain to be wide open, not only in economics, ' traditional' is like tourism because we benediction with cultural and natural asset which seldom there are in others ( Leksono Ninok, 2000: xvi)
From citation above, I hope that we can open eye of our heart together that mistical world cannot be looked into exclusive as something bad. Tradition smelling other mistical is Grebeg Suro. Every date of 1 Suro Muharam, in Ponorogo town carried out Grebeg Suro which also is this Town birthday. In this Grebeg Suro event is performed Kirab Patrimony which is usually carried out one day before date of 1 Muharram. Patrimony Omission of Ponorogo leader long times ago (when leader still in a period of Empire of the Wengker) is pageant from Mausoleum Batoro Katong (Ponorogo founder) to Verandah of palace Sub-Province. In this event also implicit various high values. This argument I will reaffirm with citation following:
In this mystique understanding, is not arrange of born most important, however clearness and hygiene of mind as kondusif live factor in the world for the shake of reaching of regularity of cosmos. For the reason, required real knowledge, which can get with train our feel as single medium, in which of moral life will be able to involve with intake apart to real world, harsh world, which is fenomenal in character. ( Slamet Sutrisno, 1985:24)
For the reason we have to remain to take care of our properties. God have fairly talent disperse to human being. We surely turn into better if we try seriously. This is our Reog, our culture, our responsibility. Let us take care of and we preserve together. We have to make our culture as a life philosophy, nation identity which is represent in so many joint life of nation and state to save multi dimensional crisis and disintegration of nation and state which until this time not yet marking show overcome.
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