Rabu, 11 Juni 2008


Indonesian society consists of rural and urban society. Rural society lives in villages. They usually make their living by farming. Some make their living by working in home industries. Home industries usually have only small scales, so they don’t need many workers.
There are many kinds of job people can do in city. Cities are the center of industries in big scales. Most of government offices are also centered in cities. Therefore, most people in the village want to move to cities.
The villagers move to cities in great number to get jobs. Some get what they want, but most of them don’t. They who have skill or good education can become government civil servants or employees of private Enterprises. The unskilled and uneducated ones only work in informal sectors, such as, food sellers, porters and house servants.
(Adopted from: comprehensive English for SLTP, pg.51)
I Live in little village in Boyolali-Surakarta. The people in my village live peacefully. They always visit and help one another. If someone builds a house , his neighhbours will help him. They don’t get money from this work, but he will do same thing if his neighbours need him.
*We wait for your visit in Indonesia
Copyright Zaki Muclision Indonesia 2008

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