Kamis, 12 Maret 2015


A huge aerospace sports event will be held in Bantul of Yogyakarta with the name Air Show. JAS 2015 will blend the elements common with sports aerospace sports, social, arts, and culture. The purpose of this activity is organized to provide containers for the aerospace sports athletes, sports closer to people in aerospace, and promoting tourist destinations in Bantul district in particular Depok and Parangtritis. JAS 2015 will feature many agenda including national-level waterfall, championship race Microlight, and aerobatic aircraft grop G120 TP 4-a. This will display an aerobatic box formation, movement leader benefit, trail, left echelon, kualitas G turn, eclelon turn, and closed with the bush boom. Yogyakarta Air Show 2015 activities will be concentrated in the runway Depok Parangtritis, Bantul. This event will be held starting Friday, March 13, 2015 until Sunday, March 15, 2015. As for the range of its activities are: Friday, starting at 07.00-21.00 pm: race gantole, MURI record-making experiment GH Paragliding, plunging the umbrella, joy flight swa / swa / trike, trike gatherings. Saturday, starting at 7 am - 9 pm: the withdrawal of race banner, gantole-paralayang-Paramotor-Microlight-aeromodeling-skates-trial manufacture of aerospace, photographic records MURI GH Paragliding, flypass, plunging the umbrella, the making of a record of most ground handling MURI, welcome party Sunday, starting at 07.00 - 16.00 GMT: flypass swa / trike photo contest, demo, acrolight, aerospace flight dragon banner, flypass Paramotor, aeromodelling RC MURI record creation, Grob aerobatic, dance, ceremony, ceremonies , flying kites, Pitts aerobatic, aeromodelling, gantole aerobatic, Paramotor aerobatic, plunging the umbrella, joyflight, flypass Paramotor. info source: http://disbudpar.bantulkab.go.id/berita/400-jogja-air-show-2015
The reason why the friends should come to witness? 1. holding of Yogyakarta Air Show 2015 it will try  break the record  most aeromodeling planned flying done by 200 aircraft that has never happened in Indonesia. .. 2. to replace the Jupiter team must carry a red and white to name Langkaw, we will showcase aircraft Grob G120TP-A factory-made Grob Aircraft in Tussenhausen Mattsies. This is the first appearance of flying an aerobatic plane made ​​in Germany ... "3. in Yogyakarta Air Show 2015 akan involve international participants were from Australia, Malaysia, Singapore and the Philippines in the championship race and national levels plunge Microlight .. 4 . in Yogyakarta Air Show 2015 there race painting, photography, performance art, skates, foto model .. 5. interesting event merchandise Available for the tourists who want to perpetuate the excitement Jogja Air Show 2015 .. 5 reasons that make you and the family has to come at the Jogja Air Show event 2015 because the targeted 50.000 visitors will take this spectacular event cheer for. .. Yogyakarta Special Greetings.

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