Selasa, 22 Juli 2008


"We hold these truth to be self evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty, and the persuit of happiness (John Locke)
I am very sorry because I will write this post in Indonesian language only! It is because I want to respond Indonesian people who doesn’t like with this program. I know that Indonesia has a lot of problems in this year but I think it is not problems to promote its culture and nature resort to all people in the world. I believe that they still can enjoy their journey in Indonesia because there are many things special in Indonesia. There are special things which are not found in other country. I make this blog are to give a little information which I think important to known.
This web contain about my opinion about Indonesia. Indonesia has many kinds of cultures such as three hundreds kinds of traditional dances, 34 traditional costumes and 34 traditional houses. Indonesia also has many kinds of tourism object such as water falls, lakes, temples, mountain, beach, zoo, rivers, and other interest place. Large part of Indonesia is mountainous. So, it has fresh air and water. The people in here live peacefully. So, we wait for your visit in Indonesia..

This web contain about my opinion about Indonesia. Indonesia has many kinds of cultures such as three hundreds kinds of traditional dances, 34 traditional costumes and 34 traditional houses. Indonesia also has many kinds of tourism object such as water falls, lakes, temples, mountain, beach, zoo, rivers, and other interest place. Large part of Indonesia is mountainous. So, it has fresh air and water. The people in here live peacefully. So, we wait for your visit in Indonesia..

Today's Inspiration


I believe that there always something.
There Something to make,
something to read,
something to know,
something to choose and
something to do.
Make challenges,
read good books,
know about our life purpose,
and do the best for this world.
(zaki Muclision indonesia)

When there is a will,
There is a Way.

"To make a great dream come true,
you must first have a great dream".

have a nice day!!!!!!

My brothers and sisters of the same nation and motherland,
(Saudara-saudaraku sebangsa dan setanah air,)

We have to realize that.. in this world there is something good..
(kita harus sadari bahwa.. di dunia ini ada sesuatu yang baik..)

and there is something bad..
(dan ada sesuatu yang buruk..)

We are entitled to choose among both..
(kita berhak memilih diantara keduanya..)

But believing that as small as any of our kindliness..
(tetapi percayalah bahwa sekecil apapun kebaikan kita..)

Surely its result will be good also..
(pasti hasilnya akan baik pula..)


It is time for us to talk..
(sudah waktunya kita bicara..)

By our gold masterpiece as nation child..
(melalui karya-karya emas kita sebagai anak bangsa..)

Whatever.. and as small as our action..
(apapun itu.. dan sekecil apapun)

If it is good for this nation..
(asalkan itu baik bagi bangsa ini..)

Why must hesitate?
(mengapa mesti ragu?)

Just show it...
(tunjukan saja...)

So everybody know..
(supaya semua orang tahu..)

That big aspiration of this nation can be realized...
(bahwa cita-cita besar bangsa ini bisa diwujudkan...)

With all ability..
(dengan seluruh kemampuan..)
We have to prove..
(kita harus buktikan..)

What us do...
(apa yang kita lakukan...)

Hopefully can become pride..
(semoga bisa menjadi kebanggaan..)

So, If non which preserve our culture?
(kalau bukan kita yang melestarikan budaya kita?)

Who are they?
(siapa lagi?)
Visit indonesia year 2008? BISA!!!!!

Visit indonesia year 2008. Indonesia? Know it, Love it...
we wait for your visit to Indonesia! Spend your unforgettable holiday in Indonesia!

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