Senin, 14 Juli 2008


Traditional game is game played by Indonesia children with simple appliance, without machine, may even exist which only have capital ' body got better' or ' healthy body'. Its intention, so long as the child healthy, hence he can follow to play at. This Game type also is often referred as ' dolanan'.
Traditional game is not game which without meaning but game which is the full of high norms and values which good for children to comprehend and look for balance in life. Therefore, traditional game which created by this nation ancestor even also based on to the many calculation and consideration. This matter because ancestor we have expectation so that inserted values in each the game can be executed by children in every action and their deed with eyes open or without existence of constraint.
Modern Game moment rapidly grow with its types more and more vary, traditional game nowadays is becoming excluded; left behind even fall into oblivion. Possible in this time only a few from us which still know traditional game type like gatrik, lompat tali , petak umpet , benteng, gobak sodor, dakon, gasing, and others. Even it is possible that this game is unknown to children now who live in metropolis. It is r very really odd if we hope they play it while this game felt foreign for them.
There are many way to enjoy this modern game. One of its is to rent game cassette in rent place of cassette later then playing it at home by using attributed to play station or computer. Besides, we also can get game application by download free games in internet.
In line with this technological growth, hence expand also child toy type। Game type even also has started to change. Most of game of child do not use appliance from nature but use modern machine. Become, do not surprise if generation now more interest with modern game rather than traditional game. 

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