Sosromenduran Village is located in district territory Gedongtengen. With an area of 49, 63 Ha, Sosromenduran is an area in downtown with boundaries of the location of the famous Malioboro Street in the east, west Gandekan Street, Monument Station Complex in the north (Jl. Gowongan) and Jl. Pajeksan (Jl. Gandekan South) to the south.
Village Sosromenduran the administration in the north bordering the village Gowongan. On the eastern border with Suryatmajan village. In the southern border village Ngupasan and west borders the village Pringgokusumaan.
Subdivisions Sosromenduran consists of 7 villages namely: kampong Sitisewu, Sosrowijayan Wetan village, Sosrowijayan Kulon village, Sosromenduran village, the village Sosrodipuran, Pajeksan village, and village Jogonegaran. Sosromenduran Village is divided into 14 RW and 56 RT.
Economic and Cooperative
Economic enterprises that occupied village communities Sosromenduran in general are still small. Starting from the craftsmen, painters, and street hawkers Malioboro Ahmad Yani who recorded about 352 craftsmen and is home industry. To accommodate the entire business is established PEMALNI (Trader Malioboro-Gen. A. Yani) which is held once a month every association management and consulting.
One of the home business industry that is managed by Pemalni is owned by Mrs. Sukarman which produce souvenir-shaped slippers, belts, and bracelets with the average price offered is USD 1000, -. It has a staff of 5 people, can produce 30 scores souvenirs of various kinds. Address at Jl. Pajeksan GT I/507. Marketing area is Malioboro.
Tourism Sector
Sosromenduran is a very unique area with perbaduan culture between Indonesia and Western culture. This can happen because almost most of the residents in Kampung Sosromenduran engaged in services related to tourism, both as an overseer and manager of hotels, business travel or travel agent, tour guide as well as a side business related to the life of the hotel and amenities such as laundry, restaurant , souvenir shops and tourist information. Here's a list of hotels located in the area Sosromenduran
Village Sosromenduran have some formal education institutions namely, 6 Private kindergartens, 1 primary school, 4 Private Primary, 1 Secondary Schools, 3 Junior Private, and 2 private high school.
Village Level Organization Field
Village-level organizations in Sub Kricak also varied as district in general. The organization is among the BKM, TPM, IKPSM, IHPP, PKBM, WKSBM, RCC, PKK, Karangtaruna, Usep KM, and others.
Empowerment and Family Welfare (PKK). Chairman PKK Bakti Village Sosromenduran 2008-2013 period is Ny. Ani Mandrawa. Meanwhile, Chairman of Working Group I, which Mrs. Ana Marciana, Chairman of Working Group II is Ny. Taslim, Chairman of Working Group III of Ny. Mimi, and Chairman of the Working Group IV is Ny.Mahono. Duty Team PKK them is to collect, move and develop the potential of communities, especially families for the implementation of programs PKK. While each working group having an individual function. Namely Division I Working Group Function and appreciation of Pancasila and the field gotongroyong by developing program ideas or PKK. WG II Functioning in the field of Education and Development of Life Skills and cooperatives by developing program ideas or PKK. Working Group III to function in the Field of Food, Clothing, Housing and Household Good governance by developing program ideas or PKK. WG IV Functioning in the Health Sector, Environmental Sustainability and Health Planning to develop program ideas or PKK.
In addition to the above Community Organisations, Sosromenduran Village also has a Sports Coordinator for the Heri Joko Pitono. Aiming intuk mewadai Sosromenduran Village residents who have talent in sports such as football, badminton, gymnastics, Volley Ball, and others. Sports activities carried out in several places in the region Sosromenduran village. With 4 pieces of field facilities Volley, 8 tennis Badminton, 7 Field Tennis table, and a tennis court and 2 swimming pools are expected to support the activities and of course to produce athletes who can it the name of Yogyakarta in particular and Indonesia in general.
Sosromenduran village residents in the second semester of 2008 amounted to 9078 persons consisting of 4512 men and 4566 women. Educational background and work very heterogeneous population. Sosromenduran livelihood is largely private especially those that reach 1476 persons. In addition, as many as 265 people are civil servants, Tailor totaling 216 people, as many as 439 people services. In terms of religion, the Moslem population of about 6639 people, Catholics numbered 1340 people, totaling 914 Christians, Hindus numbered 34 people, Buddhists totaled 147 people, and Kong Hu Chu as many as 4 people.
Religion Field
Village Sosromenduran majority Muslim community, therefore there are almost all RW Mosque. Houses of Worship, in this village there are 7 registered Mosque, 3 Mosque, 2 Christian Church. Houses of Worship is Baitusalam Mosque in Pajeksan RW 08, Masjid An-Nadzaar in Jogonegaran, Mosque Ngudi Sutati Sosrowijayan Wetan, Djajengskarso Petimas Mosque in Pajeksan, Abdulrahman in Sosrodipuran Mosque, Masjid Banusasabili in siti Sewu, Azzahri Mosque in Jogonegaran, An-Nur Mosque in Sosromenduran, praying assaadah Siti Sewu, Mosque al-muksan siti Sewu, Siti wongsodirjan Christian Church Pentecostal Sewu and Geredja in Indonesia Sosrowijayan
One mosque in the village area is the Mosque Sosromenduran Abdulrahman. This mosque was established in 1986. Address at Sosrodipuran GT I/474. Infaq Friday at the mosque was an average of approximately Rp. 40 thousand, - per week. While the number of Animal Sacrifice twig muhmmddiyah 3 cows and 20 goats
Geredja Sosrowijayan Pentecostal in Indonesia. Established in 1970. Currently managed by Mr. Samuel Suwondo. Use of this church building was inaugurated on 27 October 1982. Address at Jl. Sosrowijayan No. 80 Yogyakarta Telp. 0274-563832. Worship Service on Sunday carried out 4 times the first public worship, worship of children, youth meetings, and public worship II. On the men's service was held Tuesday, on Wednesday held meetings of women, on Thursday held prayer and fasting, held Saturday worship of youth and morning prayers are held daily except Sunday.
In the lighting field, the village has a newspaper Sosromenduran existing wall at each RW. Each RW is also equipped with a map of RW. As for the announcement board is almost all RT. Communities are many who read the newspaper The wall is both intuk seek job information and to find actual news.
In the field of security, administrative Sosromenduran have Public Protection Task Force. Well Preparedness Team headed by Aiptu Kardi. While Kasie Trantib is Mr Sumarno, and head Hansip is Bpk. L. Slamet Raharjo. The number of personnel there are about 56 people. Duties include securing environmental hansip Village especially when there are events or community activities such as village chief elections, Presidential Election, Independence Day ceremony, and so forth. Besides Preparedness Team Well, in each RT has a group of Ronda to secure their own territory. Total Poskamling there are 26 pieces.
Environmental facilities and infrastructure that already exists in the current Village Sosromenduran include clean water wells, latrines, and biopori which began promoted throughout the region Sosromenduran Village. MCK is in this village were recorded as many as 3 units scattered in RW VII, XI, and XIII.
Sosromenduran Village is located in the central city of Yogyakarta which is also a Centre for Tourism. All roads in this village conditions are good. Especially the way eastward Malioboro which is also at the same time connecting this village with the Village Danurejan. The problems faced are some roads are still very narrow and does not have sidewalks. Though the streets are used both foreign and domestic tourists.
Conditions of housing and settlements in Villages Sosromenduran quite varied from the residence until the home business, home permanent to temporary homes. Especially for semi-permanent homes are listed amounted to 122 and to house temporary or nonpermanent totaling 79 units.
Health Sector
Sosromenduran Village has no health center. Akantetapi here there are adequate medical facilities such as pharmacies and polyclinics Siloum Sosrowijayan Street, Hall of treatment in siti Sewu love lamp, and Polyclinic KA in Sitisewu well. In addition, the village also has 14 integrated health Toddler its spread in every RW.
Paying attention to the region is a center of tourism Sosromenduran the means of transport, especially road that must be repaired. The roads require repairs every alley and sidewalk construction for wisatawanmerasa Nyman. In addition, the development of the arts traditionally have diingkatkan can be used as assets for tourism.
Village Sosromenduran the administration in the north bordering the village Gowongan. On the eastern border with Suryatmajan village. In the southern border village Ngupasan and west borders the village Pringgokusumaan.
Subdivisions Sosromenduran consists of 7 villages namely: kampong Sitisewu, Sosrowijayan Wetan village, Sosrowijayan Kulon village, Sosromenduran village, the village Sosrodipuran, Pajeksan village, and village Jogonegaran. Sosromenduran Village is divided into 14 RW and 56 RT.
Economic and Cooperative
Economic enterprises that occupied village communities Sosromenduran in general are still small. Starting from the craftsmen, painters, and street hawkers Malioboro Ahmad Yani who recorded about 352 craftsmen and is home industry. To accommodate the entire business is established PEMALNI (Trader Malioboro-Gen. A. Yani) which is held once a month every association management and consulting.
One of the home business industry that is managed by Pemalni is owned by Mrs. Sukarman which produce souvenir-shaped slippers, belts, and bracelets with the average price offered is USD 1000, -. It has a staff of 5 people, can produce 30 scores souvenirs of various kinds. Address at Jl. Pajeksan GT I/507. Marketing area is Malioboro.
Tourism Sector
Sosromenduran is a very unique area with perbaduan culture between Indonesia and Western culture. This can happen because almost most of the residents in Kampung Sosromenduran engaged in services related to tourism, both as an overseer and manager of hotels, business travel or travel agent, tour guide as well as a side business related to the life of the hotel and amenities such as laundry, restaurant , souvenir shops and tourist information. Here's a list of hotels located in the area Sosromenduran
Village Sosromenduran have some formal education institutions namely, 6 Private kindergartens, 1 primary school, 4 Private Primary, 1 Secondary Schools, 3 Junior Private, and 2 private high school.
Village Level Organization Field
Village-level organizations in Sub Kricak also varied as district in general. The organization is among the BKM, TPM, IKPSM, IHPP, PKBM, WKSBM, RCC, PKK, Karangtaruna, Usep KM, and others.
Empowerment and Family Welfare (PKK). Chairman PKK Bakti Village Sosromenduran 2008-2013 period is Ny. Ani Mandrawa. Meanwhile, Chairman of Working Group I, which Mrs. Ana Marciana, Chairman of Working Group II is Ny. Taslim, Chairman of Working Group III of Ny. Mimi, and Chairman of the Working Group IV is Ny.Mahono. Duty Team PKK them is to collect, move and develop the potential of communities, especially families for the implementation of programs PKK. While each working group having an individual function. Namely Division I Working Group Function and appreciation of Pancasila and the field gotongroyong by developing program ideas or PKK. WG II Functioning in the field of Education and Development of Life Skills and cooperatives by developing program ideas or PKK. Working Group III to function in the Field of Food, Clothing, Housing and Household Good governance by developing program ideas or PKK. WG IV Functioning in the Health Sector, Environmental Sustainability and Health Planning to develop program ideas or PKK.
In addition to the above Community Organisations, Sosromenduran Village also has a Sports Coordinator for the Heri Joko Pitono. Aiming intuk mewadai Sosromenduran Village residents who have talent in sports such as football, badminton, gymnastics, Volley Ball, and others. Sports activities carried out in several places in the region Sosromenduran village. With 4 pieces of field facilities Volley, 8 tennis Badminton, 7 Field Tennis table, and a tennis court and 2 swimming pools are expected to support the activities and of course to produce athletes who can it the name of Yogyakarta in particular and Indonesia in general.
Sosromenduran village residents in the second semester of 2008 amounted to 9078 persons consisting of 4512 men and 4566 women. Educational background and work very heterogeneous population. Sosromenduran livelihood is largely private especially those that reach 1476 persons. In addition, as many as 265 people are civil servants, Tailor totaling 216 people, as many as 439 people services. In terms of religion, the Moslem population of about 6639 people, Catholics numbered 1340 people, totaling 914 Christians, Hindus numbered 34 people, Buddhists totaled 147 people, and Kong Hu Chu as many as 4 people.
Religion Field
Village Sosromenduran majority Muslim community, therefore there are almost all RW Mosque. Houses of Worship, in this village there are 7 registered Mosque, 3 Mosque, 2 Christian Church. Houses of Worship is Baitusalam Mosque in Pajeksan RW 08, Masjid An-Nadzaar in Jogonegaran, Mosque Ngudi Sutati Sosrowijayan Wetan, Djajengskarso Petimas Mosque in Pajeksan, Abdulrahman in Sosrodipuran Mosque, Masjid Banusasabili in siti Sewu, Azzahri Mosque in Jogonegaran, An-Nur Mosque in Sosromenduran, praying assaadah Siti Sewu, Mosque al-muksan siti Sewu, Siti wongsodirjan Christian Church Pentecostal Sewu and Geredja in Indonesia Sosrowijayan
One mosque in the village area is the Mosque Sosromenduran Abdulrahman. This mosque was established in 1986. Address at Sosrodipuran GT I/474. Infaq Friday at the mosque was an average of approximately Rp. 40 thousand, - per week. While the number of Animal Sacrifice twig muhmmddiyah 3 cows and 20 goats
Geredja Sosrowijayan Pentecostal in Indonesia. Established in 1970. Currently managed by Mr. Samuel Suwondo. Use of this church building was inaugurated on 27 October 1982. Address at Jl. Sosrowijayan No. 80 Yogyakarta Telp. 0274-563832. Worship Service on Sunday carried out 4 times the first public worship, worship of children, youth meetings, and public worship II. On the men's service was held Tuesday, on Wednesday held meetings of women, on Thursday held prayer and fasting, held Saturday worship of youth and morning prayers are held daily except Sunday.
In the lighting field, the village has a newspaper Sosromenduran existing wall at each RW. Each RW is also equipped with a map of RW. As for the announcement board is almost all RT. Communities are many who read the newspaper The wall is both intuk seek job information and to find actual news.
In the field of security, administrative Sosromenduran have Public Protection Task Force. Well Preparedness Team headed by Aiptu Kardi. While Kasie Trantib is Mr Sumarno, and head Hansip is Bpk. L. Slamet Raharjo. The number of personnel there are about 56 people. Duties include securing environmental hansip Village especially when there are events or community activities such as village chief elections, Presidential Election, Independence Day ceremony, and so forth. Besides Preparedness Team Well, in each RT has a group of Ronda to secure their own territory. Total Poskamling there are 26 pieces.
Environmental facilities and infrastructure that already exists in the current Village Sosromenduran include clean water wells, latrines, and biopori which began promoted throughout the region Sosromenduran Village. MCK is in this village were recorded as many as 3 units scattered in RW VII, XI, and XIII.
Sosromenduran Village is located in the central city of Yogyakarta which is also a Centre for Tourism. All roads in this village conditions are good. Especially the way eastward Malioboro which is also at the same time connecting this village with the Village Danurejan. The problems faced are some roads are still very narrow and does not have sidewalks. Though the streets are used both foreign and domestic tourists.
Conditions of housing and settlements in Villages Sosromenduran quite varied from the residence until the home business, home permanent to temporary homes. Especially for semi-permanent homes are listed amounted to 122 and to house temporary or nonpermanent totaling 79 units.
Health Sector
Sosromenduran Village has no health center. Akantetapi here there are adequate medical facilities such as pharmacies and polyclinics Siloum Sosrowijayan Street, Hall of treatment in siti Sewu love lamp, and Polyclinic KA in Sitisewu well. In addition, the village also has 14 integrated health Toddler its spread in every RW.
Paying attention to the region is a center of tourism Sosromenduran the means of transport, especially road that must be repaired. The roads require repairs every alley and sidewalk construction for wisatawanmerasa Nyman. In addition, the development of the arts traditionally have diingkatkan can be used as assets for tourism.